10 things you can expect from your lifetime of SafeLine support 🚀
Yes, it’s true! When embarking on your SafeLine journey with us, you get a lifetime of free technical support included. No matter how many times you call us, we never charge you for any of our support – it’s included with the product. That’s how sure we are of providing a technically superior and reliable product.

Below we’ve listed ten things you can count on when becoming a SafeLine customer and enjoying your lifetime of free technical support.
1. You get to talk to a real person
No answering machines, just actual human beings. For us, it’s important that provide the best technical support experience possible. That’s why we don’t do chat bots or hide our phone number deep below massive amounts of information. When you call us, you get to talk to a real SafeLine crew member – an expert in SafeLine products.
2. Our crew members are always ready to take your call
We’re available for your calls every workday of the week, making sure your question (and most likely also follow-up questions) gets an answer as quickly as possible.
3. … or answer your email
If you prefer not to talk on the phone, you can of course always email us your questions.
4. We’re local – we know the lingo
Apart from always offering technical support in the local languages where our offices are located (English, German, French, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Dutch) we have the required technical know-how of the local market. We know the different businesses and we know the market history.
5. We understand the lift business
All our technical support crew members are technical SafeLine experts who know the ins and outs of our products by heart. This also means we know your everyday. We know what a lift cabinet usually looks like, what connections to use, the screw terminals, etc. You name it, chances are we know it.
6. No issue is too big (or too small) for us to handle
When you need us, we’re there for you. We cannot promise you that we will answer your call right away (we might just be busy with another customer). But we can promise you that once you get our attention, no issue or question is too big or too small for us to handle. We’ll make sure to do our very best solving it as well as following up on it to make sure it’s resolved.
7. Product quality control
With the entire production process in Sweden, we know every step of the way and can retain full control of the product quality. If there’s an issue discovered with any of our products, our product experts are right here to assist each other in finding the solution for it.
8. We’re with you through the ups and downs
When we say lifetime support, that’s exactly what we mean. We’ve been around for more than 25 years and we’re not going anywhere. We’re a proven steady business with a lot of experience and we’re in it for the long run – even through the rough times.
9. You get a say in our products
We always value the opinions of our existing customers. Our technical support is always on the lookout for your feedback, which they in turn give to our development and sales department.
10. Free product training
Most people don’t know this, but when you become a SafeLine customer (or before you become one), we provide free training of our products to make sure you get the most out of your investment in SafeLine quality. And it’s completely on your terms. Can you only spare half an hour? Do you want us to come to you? Give us a call and we’ll sort it out together. After all, it’s included in your lifetime of free SafeLine support.