6 ways the SL6 has evolved over the years
Happy Birthday SafeLine SL6! Here are six ways our best-seller has evolved into a fine young lift telephone over the last ten years

Happy Birthday SafeLine SL6! This month marks the ten-year anniversary since the release of our best-selling lift telephone, and although we might be busy discovering new constellations in the sky, it’s every little bit as important to keep supporting the products we have already discovered over the years.
Here are six ways the SL6 has evolved since its release in 2011:

1. Bluetooth support
Implemented in 2014, marking the beginning of the SL6+ versions – enabling you to configure the SL6 using only your smartphone and the SafeLine LYNX app. LYNX gathers all your functions and settings in one place, saving you time and effort while also ensuring easy firmware upgrades.

2. 4G VoLTE
SafeLine are groundbreaking when it comes to combining both a GSM board and PSTN functionality in on piece of equipment. In 2019, we launched the SL6+ 4G VoLTE, enabling voice calling over the 4G network, giving our travelers improved coverage and voice quality, by using all available frequencies: 2G, 3G and 4G.

3. New and improved battery
This version was originally known as SafeLine SL6 S and sported a new 1,2-ampere battery, replacing the 0,8-ampere battery, giving you extra reserve power in case of a power outage.

4. Continued EN 81-28 support
In 2018, the EN 81-28 regulations were updated with new requirements. Naturally, we made sure to update the SL6 to accommodate these new regulations by implementing new features – prolonging its lifespan even further.

5. Added fallback functionality
SafeLine has always been pioneers when it comes to combining GSM and PSTN. We took this even further when we implemented fallback functionality, allowing you to take advantage of both GSM and PSTN as a backup in case either of them ceased to function.

6. Over 26 different voice stations
Our supply of voice stations for the SL6 have significantly expanded over the years, and we can right now offer 26 different voice stations, for all your lift safety needs. One of the most important aspects of keeping a lift telephone relevant for market needs.